1789 - Révolution


Story Development:

The scene opens in the carpenter's workshop, where the protagonist toils away, crafting furniture for the bourgeoisie by day and guillotines for the revolutionaries by night.

He shares his frustrations with his fellow workers, who echo his sentiments about the failure of the revolution to improve their lives.

When news of Marat's death reaches them, Charlotte is hailed as a hero by some and condemned as a traitor by others. The protagonist wrestles with conflicting emotions, torn between loyalty to his family and his growing disillusionment with the revolution.

As the Reign of Terror descends upon Paris, the protagonist becomes increasingly radicalized, joining a group of proletarian revolutionaries who seek to overthrow the ruling elite and establish a society based on equality and justice.

The scene ends with the carpenter and his comrades taking to the streets, their fists raised in defiance against the forces of oppression. They are determined to fight for a better future, even if it means risking everything.

This development underscores the protagonist's proletarian identity and positions him as a champion of the working class in the struggle against tyranny and injustice.